Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I'm learning Neuroscience!

So, I just found a sweet spot in the student center where I can chill, nap, study, and get free WiFi access; this could be habit forming. I have a nice 5 hour break in between classes on Wed. and since I’m bussing it to school I figure I might as well hang out and take care of bidness.

I’m sitting here with the sun at my back, thinking about the possibilities for the remainder of my education and my future career. I just came from my psychopathology class where we’re going to be learning the basics of neuroscience and how the brain malfunctions with different mental disorders.

We haven’t really gotten into any of the course material yet, but the professor started talking about graduate programs and how neuroscience is the future of psychology and how PSU has the nation’s top undergrad neuroscience program and how we had an incredible opportunity to amass loads of research experience in the numerous studies that are going on here. And, I’m excited.

I’ve always been very interested in how the brain works but I’ve also been intimidated by what I thought would be the memorization of gazillions of chemical names and mathematical equations. My professor told us about the eight class program that is in applied neuroscience, not an anatomy or chemistry program. We will learn the anatomy and chemistry as a by-product of what we are studying rather than that being the focus. He doesn’t believe in memorization or multiple choice tests but rather that his students come away from the classes being able to understand and explain the processes of the brain. Sounds perfect to me!

With the available research opportunities I should be able to put together a great grad school application. He was telling us that with the experience we can get here we should be able to get into the best clinical psych programs. My goal is to apply directly to a PhD program at a top school after I’m finished here. Stay tuned for posts on what I’m learning.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Oh my!

"Po" teletubbie is all grown up and she's pissed! I was cowering in the corner of the kitchen whimpering since teletubbies have always scared the bejesus out of me when James came to the rescue and apprehended the rampaging bird-flipping creature.

Nothin' like a nice Sunday B&G brunch - yum!

Make sure to click on these... strange expressions were provoked by Pete.

Hi, I'm crazy pan-of-biscuits for a hand guy. I got a damn pan of biscuits for a hand; can you believe it?......NOW GIMME SOME CANDY!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

We have live rock music in our house, what do you have?

Steve wishes Pete a happy birthday by playing a "folk set" that was more rockin' than most "rock bands".

Monday, September 19, 2005

I'm starting this to document my experiments with love, art, and spirituality.
It was a good day today (I didn't even have to use my AK). A group of us (Amberlynn, Kristin, Audrey, James, and I) had our first spiritual discussion group meeting today and it was.... spiritual. No really, it was exactly what I'd been looking for; a forum to talk about spiritual things. It's something that I've felt missing in my life since I made the decision not to participate in my religion.
My favorite comment was made by Audrey; we were talking about prayer and what it is, how it works, etc. and how a natural setting seems to be more conducive to a spiritual feeling. Audrey brought up the idea that animals and plants may have spirits as well and the idea that perhaps God is communicating to them too. She asked the question "are we overhearing something?" when we're out in nature? This was something that struck me as interesting and beautiful.

I would also like to chronicle the events of the "Brooklyn Art House" as I have dubbed it. This is the beautiful turn of the century house that Pete, Audrey, James, Kristin, and I live in.

So far we have had a couple of events that are noteworthy. We had a housewarming party midway through August which included a performance from the powerful, lovely Emily Potter and several others. The crowd was mostly composed of our LDS friends and it was a beautiful way to kick off the concept of the house. We had a display of art in our in-house gallery and then our beautiful friends performed for us.

A couple of weeks later we had a birthday party for Pete and his girlfriend, Judith. Judith's siblings traveled from all around the country to celebrate the event with us and we partied hardy. We had performances and then an eighties dance party where my inebriated brother showed us how to get down. Very good times.

More events coming soon...