Sunday, October 16, 2005

Why am I crying?

This is dedicated to all the kids that I've worked with that I can't keep in touch with after they leave because of rules forbidding contact after clients discharge.

Beautiful wounded kids;
some can’t feel
some feel too much

I feel too much
about them
or not at all;

I’m guilty.

I want to write them poems
instead of the banal notes
that I put in their charts.

But I do my job;
I write a synopsis of their day
when I should be writing
a ballad to their soul;
a written recognition of their
art, genius, beauty, punk rock,
humor, and poetry.

Instead I list their problems.
ADHD; bi-polar; oppositional defiant;
PTSD; psychotic features; OCD;
polysubstance abuse; family problems;
suicidal ideation.

I define them by their
They learn to define
themselves by their

I teach them to “cope”
with their problems
because obviously
they are broken.
They are not

All I can give them
is the grim hope to cope?


I should teach them
about their soul,
about how they’re whole,
complete and perfect,
about the possibilities
for their young lives.

Not the enforcer of rules,
but the minister of love.
They need love.
They need vast quantities.

I can only give them
a kind word now and then,
a three minute conversation
standing in their doorway,
a little rec yard chat,
some smiling “redirection”.

teary eyes
pained hearts
parental letdowns
anger breakdowns

I see them trying to:
look right
be a G.
act right
be pretty
sound right
be funny

It’s frustrating
and sometimes hilarious,
but mostly sad.

One girl asks me,
“Do you think I’m pretty?”
I look into her beautiful
sad eyes and I wonder
why she can’t see herself.

She tells me what her
father said:
“you’re so ugly”
“you need a diet”
“you’re stupid”.

She told me about
the beatings,
the abuse.

This girl is beautiful,
so beautiful.
She didn’t deserve that father.
She should be cherished,
celebrated, and adored.

I can’t give her that in 28 days.

Maybe I could give her a spark,
if I wasn’t a coward.

I hold back the things
that I want to say
out of fear.

Fear of saying something
Fear that someone
will take my love out of context
and twist it into something
weird and wrong.

Care until they leave
then just disconnect.
Easy, right?

I cower
bite my tongue
say goodbye
hold back tears
no e-mail address
won't be there to talk
swallow my love
give one allowed hug
wish well.


it was different
to be true to myself
to be true to them

Would it matter anyway
if I could keep in touch,
give an e-mail address,
tell them that they're loved,
how much they affect me,
how they fill my heart with joy,
how they fill my eyes with tears,
how truly beautiful they are?
Would it help to remind them,
to encourage them,
to keep loving them?

Yes, I think it would.

I hate my job.
I don’t want to lose my job.
I really love my job.

I really love these kids.

They really get to me.

with broken hearts
only allowed
a single embrace
good bye
good luck

that's all.


  1. "...understanding..."
    "...tears and love in my eyes..."
    "...wells of emotion swelling..."

    "...say it to them..."
    "...tell them, Paul..."
    "...write it down and sneak it in their bags goodbye..."
    "...Oh sweet bounty of Love, travel to souls who are without..."

  2. Thank you Emily. I knew you would understand this, perhaps more than anyone else. I'm changing. I'm taking more risks and seeing what is possible. These changes are a direct result of your example and influence. I am your disciple in the ways of behavioral healthcare. I have seen the way you love these kids and I want to be a part of it. You are a mentor for me and I often think about what you would do in a situation. I also think about your motives and priorities in this line of work and it gives me courage to say things that I might not if I didn't know you. I am always amazed at the results when I have one of my "Emily" moments. Some of my most painful and beautiful experiences with the kids come from these moments. Thank you so much. I love you!

  3. beautiful people who I am honored to be associated with...

    Love ministers...



    engulfed in the flames of love
    feeling the burning and the cleansing of the work of love

    the exquisite sensations
    of LOVE

    I love you both

    I love the moments you spend
    loving these souls
    loving me
    loving the universe.


    I don't have to hide a note in your bags! I love you!!!!!!!

  4. "vast quantities", indeed.


    I hold back tears sometimes.

    And sometimes I don't hold them back.

  5. ...Paul...

    you are so good at loving me. I treasure these words you have written to me.

  6. I am quietly moved with a spazing jerk to my heart. Thank you for placing a window into your soul and showing me thoughts i can relate to in a lesser way.
