Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Bride and Groom

I was amazed at their beauty. It was hard not to get sucked into the love vortex that was swirling around them as they gazed into each other’s eyes and danced and played together. I'm so happy for these two. They've been coming closer and closer for a long time and it's a beautiful thing to see them together! Congratulations - I love you Forrest and Kaarina!!!

Kaarina and Forrest’s Wedding

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen so many good friends in one place. The reception was a little overwhelming – so many beautiful people…

This one's for you Jared!

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

What Does Love Mean?

This came in an e-mail from Anasazi advertising an Arbinger seminar and I liked it:

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year olds, "What does love mean?"

The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. Billy answered in this way:

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.

You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."

Billy - age 4


It is amazing that at 4 years old Billy's hearing is so fine-tuned that he senses this profound difference. Think back a moment to your youth while in the presence of someone who treasured you. What is it like hearing your name safe in their mouth? Can you still feel the joy, sweetness or possibly the warmth in your heart?

What would it be like for each person in our day to day life to feel that safety with us? The more we come to honor and respect each person, the more joy will be present in our lives.

Monday, May 1, 2006

Say NO! to corporate control of the Internet

This letter that I received is about a very important issue to me. Check it out and act on it if you agree with me.

Do you buy books online, use Google, or download to an iPod? Everything we do online will be hurt if Congress passes a radical law next week that gives giant corporations more control over what we do and see on the Internet.
Internet providers like AT&T are lobbying Congress hard to gut Network Neutrality--the Internet's First Amendment and the key to Internet freedom. Net Neutrality prevents AT&T from choosing which websites open most easily for you based on which site pays AT&T more. doesn't have to outbid Amazon for the right to work properly on your computer.
If Net Neutrality is gutted, many sites--including Google, eBay, and iTunes--must either pay protection money to companies like AT&T or risk having their websites process slowly. That why these high-tech pioneers, plus diverse groups ranging from MoveOn to Gun Owners of America, are opposing Congress' effort to gut Internet freedom.
You can do your part today--can you sign this petition telling your member of Congress to preserve Internet freedom? Click here:
I signed this petition, along with 250,000 others so far. This petiton will be delivered to Congress before the House of Representatives votes next week. When you sign, you'll be kept informed of the next steps we can take to keep the heat on Congress., which monitors various causes that circulate on the Internet, explained:
Simply put, network neutrality means that no web site's traffic has precedence over any other's...Whether a user searches for recipes using Google, reads an article on, or looks at a friend's MySpace profile, all of that data is treated equally and delivered from the originating web site to the user's web browser with the same priority. In recent months, however, some of the telephone and cable companies that control the telecommunications networks over which Internet data flows have floated the idea of creating the electronic equivalent of a paid carpool lane.
If companies like AT&T have their way, Web sites ranging from Google to eBay to iTunes either pay protection money to get into the "fast lane" or risk opening slowly on your computer. We can't let the Internet--this incredible medium which has been such a revolutionary force for democratic participation, economic innovation, and free speech--become captive to large corporations. 
Politicians don't think we are paying attention to this issue. Together, we do care about preserving the free and open Internet.
Please sign this petition letting your member of Congress know you support preserving Internet freedom. Click here: