Saturday, May 27, 2006

Kaarina and Forrest’s Wedding

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen so many good friends in one place. The reception was a little overwhelming – so many beautiful people…

This one's for you Jared!


  1. Thanks for the love Paul...

  2. Great pictures Paul! Thanks for posting them.

    I especially love:

    a) how you capture the beauty of Forrest and Kaarina's happiness and connection that day. I think you got more of it on camera than most people saw in person being there. They had a little quiet circle between them that you had to look at closely to catch the essence.

    b) the special Jared moment, of course. :)

  3. Oh, I miss you all so much.


    laughed so hard at the pic of Jared, so HARD!

    how about some photos and posts about your own little love vortex eh?
