Friday, March 24, 2006

New Job! Whoops, no new job.

This post was originally going to be the announcement of my new job working with James and Gage for Cascadia, out at the men’s prison.

It was going to be an expression of grief at the loss of my job leading the Awakenings group and my excitement about the new prospect of a job that would offer more money, the CADC (certified alcohol and drug counselor) classes that I want to take, a daytime work schedule, and a fantastic benefits package.

The decision to leave my current position was difficult and was based more on logic than my heart. I didn’t really want to do it, but my friends that work at Cascadia patiently persuaded me that it would be a great opportunity for me, so I put in my resume figuring I would leave it up to fate. If I got the job I’d quit, if not I’d stay.

Well, I was hired, put in my two weeks at Northwest and began working out a school schedule that would work with the new job. I had my orientation on Mon. of this week, came home and called my new employer to get my schedule. Here’s how that conversation went:

“Hi Matt, I’m calling to find out when I can come in and start work.”

“Well Paul, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I just came out of a meeting with my team where I had to tell them that the state has cut our funding and our program will be shut down. I know this kind of leaves you in limbo and I’m really sorry, there is a chance that we could find you something else in our company but no one really knows what’s happening right now.”

I ended the conversation and sat in shock for a few minutes and then I made a decision to try to keep my current job. Luckily, they were open to that idea and we‘ve worked out a new schedule so I can attend school and my CADC classes (although I have to pay for them).

Today I should have been starting my first day of work at my new job and I’m thinking about why this happened and trying to sort out my feelings about it. I’m feeling a lot of excitement and re-commitment to the Awakenings group, I’m going to create some new groups and evolve the group through these next few months, and that inspires me. I can’t help but feel the loss of the opportunity to work for Cascadia and all of the included benefits. I was really looking forward to working with James and Gage and starting to have a little more of a social life since I’d be working days instead of swing.

I was feeling that sense of loss at work yesterday but I was calmed at the end of the day as I sat talking to one of the clients that I’ve connected with. Realizing that I get to play some part in the lives of those beautiful, young, souls and I get to hear their ideas and their awakenings every day makes me feel like it’s OK and I’m where I’m supposed to be.


  1. Really? What's the deal? First James loses his gig and now you? Yikes.
    I'm glad that you can at least get your old job back. It sounds as if you liked it.

  2. Well, Paul was coming to work with me, so it's actually the same gig being lost.

    Heh, on the good side Paul, after May 31st, you'll still have a job

  3. Wow. I saw on James' blog that the funding was cut and then wondered if you'd posted about it.

    I guess to be honest, my reaction is that I'm happy for you (though sad for James). Somehow, it was hard for me to imagine you leaving what you were doing. You had such enthusiasm and spirit for it. I knew you were bringing so much to those kids that no one else could offer. Of course, I'm sure the inmates could use you too, but some people are really meant to reach some other people. I'm glad to hear you're staying at Northwest. I may be wrong about it. But oh well.

    And also... this means we can continue to talk about a certain project we'd talked about before. :)

  4. how weird is THAT!? Wow, that's quite the shift in mood and mentality. Way to look on the bright "awakened" side.
