Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Story of the Third Post on Gay Marriage & Winter Break

After spending about 10 hours on Part III of my series on gay marriage my computer crashed corrupting the document that I had typed the post on, leaving me an exhausted mess. I decided to abandon it rather than try to resurrect my amazing piece of work. Hah! To soothe my wounds I bought myself a new laptop that doesn’t crash constantly and I’m very pleased with my Lenovo T400.

In other news, I had a great winter break!

I got to visit my family in UT/NV. I ate massive amounts of Christmas cookies and home cooked meals, gaining back most of the 15 lbs that I had lost due to stress during fall quarter. Special thanks to Dee Dee & Jared for volunteering their house for most of the Christmas festivities and to Mom & Gene for all the cooking they did!

Best of all, I hardly worked and was able to sleep in a lot and relax. Just when my brain started functioning at full capacity again and I started to read a book just for fun, school started and I’m again inundated with reading and writing. My brain has returned to the mushy state that grad school puts it in.

I meant to do one of those Christmas card e-mails but never got around to it, so this will have to suffice. If you’re reading this then consider yourself loved and missed if I haven’t seen you for a while.

I do hope to share some of the things I’m learning in school and in my personal inquiries although I can’t promise much until my next break.

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