Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Awakenings 2

Tonight’s fire circle was a great success and the kids were quiet and attentive throughout. The names they came up with were beautiful and I was touched by the depth of thought that some of them put into it. One name that particularly struck me was “Neaveh" - (heaven spelled backward). I was overcome when this sometimes difficult young lady explained what this name implied and how it inspired her to live a life free from substance and full of family! Tomorrow they get to paint a symbolic representation of their awakening names and come up with “clan” names to replace the tiresome Team A, Team B… that we normally use.

The following is our group statement that we read at the beginning of each group and then quickly share our recent awakenings to reinforce the emphasis of the group:


Awakenings: Recognizing blind spots in our lives and making changes in our thinking and actions that lead us to a happier, healthier, more satisfying way of life.

Group Statement:

In the tradition of the ancient Navajo people, life is called a “walking.” As we walk through life, according to our agency, we can make right or wrong choices, choosing to walk forwards or backwards. Our “walking” determines the condition of our heart; forwards or backwards it is we who choose…nobody walks for us.

We will come together in search of ourselves, in search of our awakenings. By being real and vulnerable, by sharing our feelings, our dreams, and our hopes, we will strengthen each other, gaining friendship and self-understanding. To provide safety and privacy for each member of the group, what we see here, what we say here, what we hear here, let it stay here.

There is only one rule in this group:

Members of the group, and staff, will show respect for one another.

I should acknowledge that I borrowed the part about the walking out of the Anasazi Trailwalker Guide.

I’m still putting the call out to all of you lovely readers that might have ideas or thoughts on this group. I’m also looking for guest speakers to come and help touch the hearts of these kids through your talents. If you could contribute in any way I promise you a rewarding experience. Thanks to those that have already given me some ideas and thanks to all of you for inspiring me with your lives.


  1. I don't know exactly what I *could* do to help, but I'd jump on the chance to help you any way I could.

  2. I think this is a beautiful idea Paul. I remember doing these ceremonies on my desert survival school many years ago. The whole experience gave me such a sense of confidence that i think it changed the course of my life - and definately my character.

  3. My new job will keep me busy until 5 PM, but I could do 6,7, and 8 o'clock groups, if you ever want me to. If/when you do a blanket stepping ceremony, I could help you out with that... I've done it a few times, and I have my own personal story to tell also.

  4. I love that these pictures are in my mind now. I love what you are doing for these kids. You make me cry every time I come to this site. And I am so there with you. With every blessed choice you make I nod my head in complete support of you. Oh my goodness, Paul... do you know what you are doing for these kids?! You're giving life where there once was only hopelessness. I FEEL it. I can't tell you how much I thought of you and those kids today (Christmas) even before I found out that you called me about red ochre. I know whatever ceremony you created with the red ochre was exactly what they needed. That's how I learned how to use the red ochre in the ceremony I have gave you ... by listening to the earth speak to my heart. Oh I love the passion I read here....

    And I love you right back.

    You are so powerful.

  5. Wow, this sounds amazing Paul. I would LOVE to help somehow. I'm not sure what would work with your vision, whether I could do something musical, or something that incorporates my previous native american ceremony experience. We could brainstorm ideas, if you're open to it. Regardless, I'm really happy to see you doing this.

  6. Oh, and, after reading this:
    "Recognizing blind spots in our lives and making changes in our thinking and actions that lead us to a happier, healthier, more satisfying way of life."

    ...have I got a podcast for you listen to! It's about incorporating eastern spiritual traditions like mantra into our lives to create space in our thinking that allows us to act consciously, instead of REacting in a negative habitual way. Amazing. And hard to sum up in a sentence. :) I'll get it for you.
